Join By Mail

To join AEA and pay your membership fee by mailing us a check, fill out the form below. (Or you can pay via credit card here.

The membership fee for your agency is based on your annual budget amount:

• If your agency budget is less than $500,000, the AEA annual membership fee is $75.
• If your agency budget is greater than $500,000 but less than $1,000,000, the AEA annual membership fee is $150.
• If your agency budget is $1,000,000 or more, the AEA annual membership fee is $225.

Your check should be made payable to Alliance of Eastside Agencies and mailed to:
Alliance of Eastside Agencies – Attn: Kim Sarnecki
c/o The Together Center
16101 NE 87th St, Suite A
Redmond, WA 98052

Fill out the form below, so we have all the information we need about you and your organization.

Contact us with any questions or concerns.

Name (required)


Agency Affiliation (required)

Agency’s Annual Budget (Choose only one.)
   Less than $500K (AEA fee $75)
   Between $500K and $1M (AEA fee $150)
   $1M or More (AEA fee $225)

Street Address

City, State, ZIP

Email Address (required)

Confirm Email Address

Phone (required)

Optional: List up to 2 add’l email addresses for AEA email list
(separate with commas)

Anti-spam Questions (required)
(to prevent submissions by automated reply systems)

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