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Essay on legalizing marijuana

7 billion in federal and state tax revenue annually (Fairchild, 2013) Medically, marijuana has been known to have some long term effects on the users of the drug. To understand better the issues revolving around the legalisation of the drug, it is necessary to understand ho it ended up being illegal in the first place.. Marijuana and hashish contain “over 400…. Marijuana Legalization Organization states that that is not entirely true Medical marijuana should be legalized because of its health benefits, its natural qualities, and the potential for revenue. The legalization of marijuana will help to achieve several important benefits. The biggest concern on everyone’s mind is that of health risks. These individuals feel that Marijuana is not a harmful substance and can serve to profit states that legalize it. 05 /page 308 certified writers online Learn More. This controversial topic is on the minds of our entire country. Consequently, this would lead to numerous job creations. A well-known issue, right now, in the USA is that of the legalization of marijuana. This factor is vital for the general economic essay about soccer performance.. Marijuana is brownish in color and is made up of dried-out hemp plant leaves, roots, and flowers. Gurus in social science argue that these merits, coupled with morality and social equity outweigh the arguments posed by the opponents For instance, the statistical study by Steinemann et al. When weed is smoked, essay on legalizing marijuana it emits a strong sweet odor. We will write a custom essay specifically for you for only . Legalizing marijuana is an unnecessary action. Support for legalizing marijuana has increased manifold over the decades. For example, impaired thinking imbalanced mood swings and the inability to perform complex tasks are some of the notable long time side effects that are known to affect marijuana users. We can stop the wasteful arresting of petty drug violators and focus on the more extreme felons. Marijuana became illegal in the U. In 1937 through the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act. One of these plants is Cannabis. Marijuana was a good thing until the 20th century. Minors are still arrested and/or charged and will face sentencing D. (2016), the legalization of marijuana is the elimination of certain restrictions for cannabis use, and its decriminalization is altering cannabis use from an illegal to a civil offence. Most Americans are not against the medicinal use of marijuana, but any use of marijuana remains against federal law which means people face stiffer sentences if caught Legalizing marijuana can develop a large-scale tax business that generates substantial revenue for state and federal governments. The amounts of money from this industry will help most individuals to endorse its farming. Economic Benefits/Impact of Legalization. Alzheimer’s, dementia, and cancer patients who feel like they don't have control over their symptoms could try cannabis edibles, pills, topicals, vapes, or smoking it The legalization of marijuana will help to achieve several important benefits. Marijuana creates feelings of relaxation. In order to obtain such a stamp, a person should have proved that he/she possessed the drug, which in turn led to fine and 5-year imprisonment essay on legalizing marijuana The legalization of marijuana will help to achieve several important benefits. 7 billion in federal essay on legalizing marijuana and state tax revenue annually (Fairchild, 2013) An adult can legally possess up to 1oz of dried marijuana, 16oz of marijuana solids (edibles), and 72oz of cannabis-infused liquids C. It has many medicinal uses, it is less harmful than alcohol and other legal drugs, and keeping it illegal is very expensive, and it. The local names of marijuana are weed, pot, etc Many countries of the world are actively working to decriminalize or legalize ‘less harmful’ drugs such as cannabis (marijuana). Keeping it illegal is the best thing to do for the world, for the country, and for Get Access People still get fined and minimal or no jail time. In this informative speech I will be discussing only facts and opinions Cannabis revenue is an ever-increasing thing, meaning there will always be an increase in the tax revenue generated by marijuana. This plant produces the substance known as Marijuana that has been used for almost five thousand years and was first seen in use by the Chinese around the year 2737 B.

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In addition, considering the ever-increasing numbers of Marijuana users, as research essay on legalizing marijuana shows the sale of the drug can gain the government more than $ 66 million hence, the need to legalize the drug for economic. First of all, it will lower the number of arrests and decrease prison sentences for people of color. About 30% of the prison population is incarcerated for marijuana use The legalization of marijuana will help to achieve several important benefits. Reports from essay on legalizing marijuana Washington DC show that the number of arrests made due to the possession of marijuana reduced considerably after its legalization from over 5000 cases to. Supreme Court said federal law preempts any efforts by the state to authorize the use of marijuana for any purpose, including medicinal” (Schweitzer, 2005). State Although exact data on the marijuana market are unavailable, it is approximately estimated that legalizing marijuana would generate . (2018) demonstrates that the legalization of cannabis in Hawaii has led to a three-time increase in tetrahydrocannabinol-positive individuals among drivers involved in car accidents. Numerous sources have suggested and in some cases proven that legalizing or at least decriminalizing marijuana can reduce violent crime and significantly reduce the amount of people who are imprisoned for drug use. In order to obtain such a stamp, a person should have proved that he/she possessed the drug, which in turn led to fine and 5-year imprisonment The significance of having legalized marijuana was supported to be more advantages to patients, who need them most. “California, for example, represents the largest market for recreational marijuana, with approximately . They still have to go to court even though it is a minor offense. The nationwide legalization of marijuana is not a positive option since it can essay on legalizing marijuana contribute to motor vehicle crash fatalities, does not reduce crime rates, and affects teenagers’ health.

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